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Best Weapons Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombies

1 Ray Gun

The Ray gun is the best gun with damage in low and high rounds even with the splash damage plus it's the best gun to use when your running a big train because it kills more zombies than other guns said to be the best ( RPD), ( hammer), (mustang and Sally).

By far the best gun not only black ops zombies but the best in the black ops series. Better than the ray gun mark II (black ops 2 vengence pack)

You can't get anything better than the Ray Gun. This Wonder Weapon literally blows me away. Seriously.

MTAR is the great weapon for killing Zombies with good accuracy and fire rate . That's all my opinion.

2 Ray Gun Mark ll

This Wonder Weapon is great. The only thing is that when you are using it when there's only one zombie, and you shoot it, the 3-round burst kinda wastes ammo. That is the only downside, though. Otherwise, this thing is literally THE BOSS. When my friends and I are playing and one of us gets it, the rest of us really jealous, and literally just hate him for the rest of the round. Would recommend Pack-a-Punching it. That really 'packs a punch! '

The ray gun mark two is beast and actually is better when packed unlike the ray gun and it can take out brutus, panzer soldat, and hoards of zombies pretty easily. Also its reload is a lot quicker.

Have you seen the headshot multipliers? This thing is almost overpowered when everyone gets it, while the ray gun struggles on low rounds,20s-30s, the mark 2 still puts in work.

This gun has like no kick at all, and is better than the ray gun because it has no splash damage! It's like a ray gun but in bullet form. This should be in the top 5!

3 Galil

Better than the Ray Gun in my opinion. This gun has absolutely no recoil whatsoever and I thinks more fun to use than the Ray Gun. The hit detection on the Ray Gun is sometimes trash and it feels downgraded when pack-a-punched, unlike the Galil. This is definitely the best weapon in the game.

The greatest and most balanced gun ever in zombies it has the best thing that every good gun in zombies. The damage and satisfaction of the PPSH, the headshot multiplier that it needs and the badassery of a thundergun.

My favourite gun by far. It is easy to be accurate with, fast firing rate, good amount of ammo and when pack a punched you get even more ammo which is great. I'd always use this ahead of any other gun

It's great even when not packapunched. It's also very good with and without double tap! It's very beast and I would definitely trade the ray gun and ray gun mark ll for the galil forever and always!


This thing kicks butt when normal, kicks even more butt when Pack-a-Punched. So good. 10/10. Only thing is that it takes butt time to reload when you're in a sticky situation. Thing is really good, even at Round 27, which is the highest I've gotten. Would definitely recommend.

Though the ray guns are great due to their large ammo capacity and effective insta-kill until round thirty*, the HAMR has a large(er) ammo capacity and is nearly unstoppable with speed reload and double tap as long as you're lucky and the "Max Ammo"'s keep coming. (not to mention practical immortality while actual insta-kill is up)
*if you somehow still have ammo by then

Best of all guns, tons of damage delt and esily controlled recoil.No spash damagelike in the ray gun and still effective in later rounds. The quick recharge also make it better than the RPD.

Ray gun is overrated, and besides, you can't mow down a group of 30 fast moving zombies with a raygun. Get this bad boy upgraded and it will quickly outclass every other weapon.

5 Sliquifier

... seriously? it seems like all the people that actually play zombies vote for this and I'm finding that the better wonder weapons are lower on the list than worse ones. post-patched I think I've killed about 50 zombies with one shot. It is still easy to kill more than 24 zombies with it in one shot just be smart and chain about 4-8 zombies and the others will spawn in to make a chain reaction. this weapon is also definitely better for camping because of how overpowered it is. so being smart with all your shots will be 24+ multiplied by 60 (amount of ammo) equals to at least 1440 zombies per Sliquifier, mind you probably getting max ammos along the way. its an easy win

This is, without a doubt, the best wonder weapon in bo2. All the wonder weapons Had different drop off rates. The sliqifier has the 2nd highest one shot round, behind the ice staff upgraded, at round 100. This thing not only kills zombies more effeicently than the ice staff or any weapon in bo2 for that matter, but also has so much ammo. Having to charge up and shoot 6 shots at a time to kills zombies on this round with the ice staff, you technicly only have 15 shots. The sliqifier quadrupole s that with 60 shots. This is hands down win for the best wonder weapon in bo2.

The Sliquifier is a weapon you have build by looking for parts around the area in the zombies map Die Rise in the Revolution map pack.

Pretty good weapon for something made out of junk. It is almost like a Macgyver type invention.

6 AN-94

Wall weapon with LMG-esque ammo. What else is there to say? It's able to go far longer without Max Ammos than the Galil simply due to being a wall buy, plus the maximum ammunition capacity PaP'd with this bad boy will net a noticable amount of money surpassing the ammo cost from the wall PaP'd, assuming you hit all bullets even if none of the zeds die. A simple difference to this gun- the wallbuy- that simply makes it surpass the overloved Galil. Much easier to handle than SVU-AS, too, leaving lots more space for error than the scoped sniper rifle that can be relatively punishing if you mess up.

Galil has better accuracy and same damage as An 94 however An 94 has more ammo but Galil is still better. I haven't even started on the headshot multiplier on Galil.

It's a completely awesome weapon first of all. And, on top of that, it's a wall weapon, which means you can buy ammo.

It rivals the PPsh because of the high ammo both possess. (AN-94's 650 vs PPsh-41's 815)

7 PDW-57

All I say about PDW-57 is a rare weapon for Spec Ops Zombies Survival In Single (alone) waves of Zombies. Harden

Swimming in points when I use this thing on buried. Who needs the bank when you have the point gun itself

8 Porter's X2 Ray gun

The regular Ray gun is not that much different, when you pack the Ray gun it just turns the Ray red and gives more ammo green looks better to.

Pack a punched ray gun twice as good as normal ray gun!

It sends the ray gun to the graveyard.

This gun does not count


Ok, the L-sat isn't the best lmg in the game but for real, its solid, its powerful and its ammo is perfect, you use double speed and jug for safty and your unstopable, if you want to be safe forever though throw on a electric cherry.

Best weapon for Zombies are Mark 2 with fast reloading in about 3 seconds . Call of Duty World at War Raygun .

Best Light Machine Gun to kill the Zombies in 3 seconds!

Good for getting points

10 Paralyzer

No stop sings speed limits nothing is gonna slow me down... What about the paralyzer?
Zombies are getting to fast slow them down with the paralyzer only 950 from the mystery box

If you need to get out of a huge herd of zombies just look down and fly upwards so fun to not have to use leroy!

The zombies are too much fast you, slow them with the paralyze! Only 950 from the mystery box.

The Contenders

11 AK74u

This most cerenly good because I have used it. Also low mag size but that should not be a problem

12 RPD

This and the HAMR are excellent pack-a-punched. Both have high ammo capacity and can mow down hordes for long periods of time, easing off your ammo burden for other guns in your loadout. Works excellently alongside good, ammo burning weapons like the Mk II.

I think it's better then the hammer besides the reliad speed. Still perfect for high rounds and just completely mowing down hoards.

Whoever did not think of this is stupid. This has TONS of ammo and with Speed Cola, it kicks ass.

Has a lot better aim than the HAMR and the second best heavy machine gun in zombies!

13 Bowie Knife

I disagree, the galvaknuckles punch faster and are actually easier to find. They stop zombies exploding so you don't take unnecessary damage.

14 Fire Staff

This staff is way better than the wind staff but around the same power as the bad-ass bowie knife. This staff is amazing.

15 Wind Staff

The ultimate wind staff charged shot will kill any zombies within its radius. It completely puts the others to shame

16 Death Machine

It may slow you down a take time to reload but this gun has has a high rate of fire which I like! It's easy to kill Brutus with also I love the noise it makes when you are firing it!

Seriously?!? This is the best gun in Black Ops 2 it may have really slow time to reload but it has awesome damage and I say its useful up to round maybe 100

Whoops. Did I accidentally shoot you with the Death Machine? Bet that hurt...

The death machine is pure beast!

17 Python

This with double tap is an instant kill during rounds 10 to 20.

Great gun but bad agenst groups. How ever very high fire rate per shot damage and DPS (damage per second)

If you pack a punch with dual five seven and speed cola it's better than having the ray gun

This gun is op

18 Mp5

Best gun for gaining points in early rounds. Could use more ammo though.

Awesome point builder if it didn't a low ammo count I would argue it better than the ppsh

20 SVU-as

Mid 40's it still 1 shots to the head, making it the most powerful non wonder weapon in all of zombies. And yes, puts the ray gun in zombies

Actually sorry, after trying it out, it's been instagib headshot past round 55 (highest I've gotten) with double tap.

One hit headshot up till round 35ish and bullets can go through zombies. Good for getting the deadshot daiquiri permaperk.

21 Executioner

It is a shotgun in a revolvers body and when upgraded along with double tap is a beast along with its dad the python.

Just the best. Really high damage

I find that this gun is the best because when you pack a punch it it's better then the ray gun


MTAR is probably my favorite weapon. If I get it and an RPD/HAMR, I'm pretty much set to go to at least Round 25.

This gun can be pack a punch more than five times and is pretty powerful with the double tap.

My Best Weapon to Zapped all the Zombies is SMAW (Bazooka) and M27 smg has good accuracy and rapid reloading.

23 Mustang and Sally

Amazing to see how the m1911 is so bad originally until you pack a punch it, turns into one of if not the best, especially for trains. Double Tap and Speed Cola makes it an absolute monster

Bruh this can clear a full train of zombies with a well placed middle shot, this should be first not 29!

24 Claymore

My Best Weapon is 64 manual detonator fuse to set off an a explosive charge. Quick easy!

25 DSR 50

This is an amazing gun. When it is pack-a-punched, it is a one shot body shot up to round 27-30, and round 20 without pack-a-punch. When pack-a-punched, it is also a one shot headshot in the 40s.

Pack a punch it, get speed cola, get doubletap, and get ironsights and this is just a beast. Ironsights are clean, and its faster to aim with than the scope.

Bad fire rate but good

Best Weapons Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Zombies
