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Change the Color of Back Light Red Dragon

Q: What is the difference between red, blue and brown switches exactly?

redragon keycap

There are generally TWO kinds of mechanical switches:

1) Linear (RED/BLACK)

2) Tactile (BLUE/BROWN)

Linear Switches

Offer smooth travel when a key is pressed until bottom out, there is no feedback of any kind. RED is lighter and BLACK is heavier. Tactile switches offer resistance when a key is pressed, much like going over a speed bump. Both BLUE and BROWN switches give this tactile feedback. In contrast to BROWNS, BLUE switches have an extra mechanism inside the switch that creates a 'TICK' to generate additional audible feedback.

redragon red switch

Which switch to choose is largely a personal preference. A few factors are worth considering. One important aspect is feel, linear versus a tactile switch. If you are skillful with a keyboard and can quickly grasp the actuation point of a key switch, then the linear switches might be suitable. For the general typist, the tactile feedback is probably most appropriate as it gives a nice feel as well as signals when a key actuates. Whether you want or need an additional
audible cue is a personal choice.

BLUE Switches

The most common and most popular switches found in mechanical keyboards. People like them for the tactile feedback, and the crisp 'TICK' sound they make. After using BLUE switches exclusively for a few weeks, I've grown to enjoy them. Switching back to BROWN switches, the keys felt slightly mushy and less distinct.

The downside of BLUE Switches is that the extra ticking sound can be quite annoying for other people around you. The clicking is also easily picked up by microphones and would be a distraction in conversations or voice chats. It's not hard to find people that describe BLUE switches as too loud for their liking after trying them.

redragon blue switch

BROWN Switches

They are a good happy medium. They provide tactile feedback of switch actuation and are as silent as REDS or BLACKS if you take care to not bottom out or top out. So even though I've found BLUE switches quite enjoyable, I find BROWN switches preferable for most situations.

redragon brown switch

Linear Switches VS Tactile Switches VS Clicky Switches

redragon keyboard comparison

Staff Pick: Redragon K530 Draconic (Red Switch)

redragon K530 Draconic

Staff Pick: Redragon K580 VATA(Blue Switch)

redragon k580

Staff Pick: Redragon K556 Devarajas

redragon k556 keyboard

Redragon OutemuBrown, Blue & Red Switches Sound Test:

Q: What is the difference between Outemu OPTICAL and REGULAR Switches?

A Simple Relative Switch Force Test - Outemu Regular vs Outemu Optical

Pushing uninstalled switches opposed against each other by the MX Stems allowed a comparison of the switching force required when pressing a key switch.

The actuation point is generally around 1.5 to 2mm, so the first switch to get past half-way mark is deemed the lighter switch. After testing different switch combo pairings, a RELATIVE scale of the heaviness can be laid out.

* Spare Outemu switches as provided with hot-swap keyboards were used for testing.
* Sixteen switches total, 2 each of Optical BLUE/RED/BROWN/BLACK, and Regular BLUE/RED/BROWN/BLACK 3-pin, were used.
* Note that there is some variability even among switches of the same type. Only 2 of each kind was used for testing.
* (O = Optical, R = Regular 3-pin Outemu). Lightest on left, Heaviest on right.


In general, the Optical Switches are lighter than their Regular counterparts. Note that Optical BLUEs are at about the same force as Optical BROWNs, whereas the Regular BLUES are slightly heavier than Regular BROWNS. Also, note that Optical BLUES are slightly lighter than Regular BROWNS.

* In terms of actual typing, the difference between Optical BROWNS and Regular BROWNS is very small. The difference is only more perceptible between Optical BLUES vs Regular BLUES. If much typing is required, lighter switches may help reduce finger fatigue. The above scale can be helpful for those preferring a particular weight in their switch preference.

Q: Is it able to restore keyboard without the software? How?

Use combo key with pressing Fn key + PRTSC(right next to F12 key) for RGB backlit keyboards, as for Rainbow backlit keyboard, press Fn key + ESC key still for about 3 seconds and then press F1, F3 and F5.

Q: How to set the lighting of each individual key without the software?

Press FN+[~] twice to start the backlight definition. Meanwhile, the four indicators [Num/Cap/Scroll/Win Lock] flashes together. The backlight of [~] shows the backlight color to be set. Press FN+[→] repeatedly to select backlight color. Then press the desired keys for the color setting. Finally, press FN+[~] once again key to save the setting. (Only for RGB keyboard)

Q: Are all switches hot-swappable for replacing other brand switches?

A: All switches are hot-swappable. (It's hot swappable with outemu switch or other switches such as akko cs switches or holy panda)

ps: We don't recommend replacing other brand switches for some issues that might cause the defective of a keyboard while replacing the switches.

Q: How about using keyboard and mouse at NS, XBOX, PS4 and other platforms except for PC?

A converter or adapter is needed for keyboard and mouse to work with NS, XBOX, PS4 and other platforms except for PC.

Tutorial of Redragon GA250 Vulcan Keyboard and Mouse Adapter for PS3/4, NS and Xbox One

Q: Can programmed keys editable with the time lag between key and key?

Yes, that is available. You can edit it by using the macro function in the software, edit the delay time with your ideal thought.

Q: How to maintain and clean the keyboard? Is it washable?

 We not recommend you to wash the keyboard with whatever soaked or running water, easy to clean it with wipes for wiping the mainboard and the switches. (make sure the keyboard is dried before using again)

Q: how to change color on Redragon keyboard?

For the RGB keyboard, press FN+→ to change the color on Redragn keyboard. No color can be changed for the rainbow backlit keyboard.

Q: how to turn off Redragon keyboard lights?

Press FN+↓ to turn down the brightness and even turn it off completely.

Q: Is it possible to set each key RGB individually?

Yes, you could do this with RGB keyboard.

Backlight settings for individual key:

Method 1: Download and Install the software, choose the mode of "Coastal", then you can set the colors you prefer for each key.

Method 2: Setting via the keyboard directly. Press FN+[~] twice to start the backlight definition. Meanwhile, the four indicators [Num/Cap/Scroll/Win Lock] flashes together. The backlight of [~] shows the backlight color to be set. Press FN+[→] repeatedly to select backlight color. Then press the desired keys for the color setting. Finally, press FN+[~] once again key to save the setting.

Q:how to program Redragon keyboard with the macro function?

Step 1: You need to cancel the light choice  first when you have this option, the keyboard is in the lighting mode, and no macro can be set.

redragon keyboard how to set macro

Step 2: Choose "Macro" section

find the macro function

Step 3: Clear all the record first, then type a Name you want, then Press Record for start.

 then type a Name you want, then Press Record for start.

Step 4: After press the "Record", types the keys you need, then you can edit the delay time and cycle times per your need. Then click Confirm to save.

press the

Step 5: After clicking Confirm. Choose any key you need to record the macro, then you can edit the macro setting again, click Confirm again.

 Tutorial: Set Macros On Redragon Draconic K530 Keyboard

Change the Color of Back Light Red Dragon
